Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's Crazy Out There!

To whom it may concern,

Two quick questions:
Why drop something from the health care reform bills (i.e. end of life counseling) if the myths surrounding it have already be debunked? Bending to false claims will only bolster this obstructive politics and in the end, produce a lower quality health care reform bill.

Secondly, where did the finance overhaul go? I know we have to focus on health care, and your administration made that choice, but I believe that we have missed a huge opportunity to structurally change the way our economy works. Not just by investing in green technologies, or shifting markets, but how we invest, save, and spend our money. The growth model that this country has been booming on for the past 50 years is unsustainable and at the core of a lot of these environmental and financial problems. We should have ended the Federal Reserve System in the wake of this scandal, and instead you promoted the people who were behind the collapse. The question I want answered is who controls the Federal Reserve? I know that it was originally formed with private money, and the United States government is only partly in control. Why then can no one answer me this question and why would we continue to let private businesses control our monetary policy?

I voted and campaigned for this administration, and this is my biggest disappointment to date.
Thank you for your time,


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