Sunday, March 29, 2009

Climate Change's Missed Opportunity

To whom it may concern,

With the change in policy over climate change, there has been little evidence toward its meaningful implementation from your administration. While the economic downturn is of critical importance, something as imminent as a shift in global weather patterns will certainly disrupt international commerce. In the same way that the singular source of all planning issues can be derived from population growth, the sustainable stewardship of the planet is critical to our established economic patterns. If productive farmland turns into deserts, cities run out of water, or areas with productive farmland shifts, there will be serious social and political ramifications. Living within our ecological constraints is an increasing concern for the America's sprawling metropolitan areas. Opportunities to improve air quality combat climate change are nearly endless. A whole new economy is waiting to be developed by maximizing efficiencies and conservation. Why is dealing with climate change not a pillar of your economic recovery plan?


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