Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dark Skies

To whom it may concern,

It has been a long time since I have seen the full spectrum of stars in the night sky. As America and the rest of the world becomes more urbanized, whole generations will grow up without knowing what it is to see and appreciate its beauty and be dwarfed by it immensity. Unfortunately, it was a federal program that tied funding for security services to the proliferation of street lights that largely contributed to light pollution in this country. Additionally, there is a misperception that street lights and security lighting make communities safer at night when they actually cast more shadows and create more opportunities for criminal activity. Light pollution disturbs the natural sleep patterns of both human and animals, increases security risks, and above all is a huge waste of energy. While technology and design could curtail much of this light intrusion, and I would encourage your administration to promote local dark skies ordinances across the country, there is a much simpler solution. To reduce greenhouse gases, conserve energy, and bring back the night sky, we should just turn the lights off. It was not 50 years ago that the lights of entire nations were turned off to defend against enemy submarines and night bomb raids during World War II. I believe that we are at a point that requires significant action, so will this administration take charge of this strategic initiative and turn off the lights?


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