Wednesday, April 29, 2009

the 100th Day

To whom it may concern,

The 100th day of the age of Obama is now upon us, so I will keep this brief. Speaking directly to the President and his administration, will you maintain the pace of change that you have had in the first 100 days throughout the remainder of your term? Of all the programs that have been initiated, how will you follow through with their passage and implementation? Finally, with everyone else in the world scoring your performance, what is your honest assessment of how you have done thus far?


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Politics as Usual

To whom it may concern,

Closing in on the coveted, yet arbitrary first 100 days of his administration, President Obama moved one vote closer to an opposition proof Congress. With Arlen Specter now a Democrat and Al Franken nearly confirmed, 60 Senate Democrats are primed to move forward with the full Obama agenda. While the opposition decries the lack of bi-partisanship promised during the candidacy, it is hard to empathize with the former majority who only played partisan politics during their stint as the majority. With the political pendulum now fully on the Democrats side, they must believe that they, along with Obama, have a mandate for change. While the Republicans have been doing some soul searching recently as the opposition, the Democrats, as a super majority, must do some soul searching of their own. A filibuster proof Congress must think long-term in order to maintain its balance of power. Otherwise, drastic passage of legislation or general poor performance could easily swing the majority the other way in the next election. While the Democrats feel like they need to make up for lost time, they should at least attempt to reach out across the aisle. And the Republicans must formulate some sort of alternative strategy other than just saying “no” in order to maintain their relevance. Will this administration continue to seek bipartisan support, or simply move on with politics as usual?


Monday, April 27, 2009

A New Protest

To whom it may concern,

During the build-up to the Iraq War, the United States and the world saw some of the largest protests in history. While this huge show of force brought attention to public sentiment, it did nothing to change the government’s course of action. Subsequent protests have been ineffective or marred in violence, usually accredited to improperly termed "anarchists". These traditional forms of protest have done very little to effect real change as they did in their 1960s heyday. Since that time, protests have been incorporated into the government’s highly controlled permitting process. The effectiveness of the traditional protest has been squandered by this sponsorship of the State. What are missing from these acts of civil disobedience are the sit-ins and boycotts of the Civil Rights Movement. Instead of walking around and screaming for a day, the protests must begin to take action to produce the desired changes. Otherwise, we are simply venting our frustrations. Past protests fought injustices, racism and prejudice that were visible and painfully apparent. The fight today is much more clandestine, which makes it very difficult for a protest to truly connect to an issue and identify with the broader public. What is needed are new, imaginative and pro-active ways to express displeasure with the government. One such example is the nascent Flash mob movement. With so much at stake, how will the federal government respond to these burgeoning populist movements in the future?


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Reinstating the Draft

To whom it may concern,

At the height of the Iraq War, there was a movement to reinstate the draft for the armed services. This measure was being discussed for several reasons. At the height of the Iraqi insurgency, recruitment was at an all time low. And as a means to deter current and future military action, a mandatory draft would directly link the public to such decisions. For many of those who initially protested the war, it was a very cerebral exercise in futility. For those who were in the armed services, it was their duty, responsibility, and job. For the families of the servicemen, it was a day they had been preparing for. The US high command had learned their lesson well from Vietnam. Now we are engaged in a prolonged war on terrorism with literally no end in sight. A mandatory draft would create an very tenuous balance between approval and protest. It would engage the public and promote good citizenship. It would actively promote participation in our democracy. Without it, the wars we fight would be solely determined by our leaders, our generals, and the military industrial complex. Without a volunteer military, a prolonged war would be virtually impossible. We would be forced to do what was never done prior to this war on terrorism; We would have to develop alternatives like economic sanctions, political and diplomatic pressure, multi-lateral engagement, and the strengthening our defenses at home. 9/11 did not happen because the terrorists are particularly smart, but because we were embarrassingly stupid and without foresight. Will the draft ever be reinstated in the United States?


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Federal Reserve

To whom it may concern,

Nearly a century ago, after several failed starts, the United States created a Federal Reserve system. This is the same reserve system that is in place today. As the Federal Reserve takes an increasingly larger role in our economic recovery, several questions and concerns begin to arise. For instance, who actually owns the Federal Reserve? While the name would imply that it is a government entity, it is, in fact, a combination of a central bank, several regional banks, private banks, and other policy setting committees. The Federal Reserve is very much a quasi-public entity. A central component of its purpose is to maintain an elastic currency that both expands and contracts as is warranted by economic conditions. The Federal Reserve has not contracted the supply of money since the Great Depression. In this Great Recession, will the Federal Reserve implement this elastic currency to contract the supply of money? Since it can essentially issue debt without consequence in order to stimulate the economy by expanding the supply of money and credit, the Federal Reserve can print its way out of this recession. Yet the costs of these actions are unclear. If the Federal Reserve regulates monetary policy, then who regulates the Federal Reserve? There are no checks and balances for this quasi-public, independent institution. If the supply of money is virtually endless and not tied to any gold standard, what value does our currency really have (i.e. is it not just monopoly money then?)? And if it is just monopoly money, then why do we insist on perpetuating capitalism and not seek an alternative system?


Friday, April 24, 2009


To whom it may concern,

Over the past few years to a decade, there has been a growing field of science called Networking. Spawned from a rather interesting work entitled Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, Networking has begun to map out how people, places, things, and ideas are interconnected. Loosely the theory seeks to explain and illustrate how the world is completely interconnected. The revelation during some of the preliminary tests shows that there are hubs, like Kevin Bacon, that have a greater gravitational pull on people. As the science begins to develop and evolve, several implications in regards to the way we organize our built environment, regulate and expand economies, and even administer government are already beginning to emerge. For example, how can we use this information to more efficiently connect people to these hubs? The internet is a perfect example of this, but even within the World Wide Web there are hubs like Google of Facebook. Networking is a grand theory in an era where virtually no grand theories (such a relativity or objectivism) exist. These theories have historically changed the way in which we as humans comprehend our world. They are significant contributors to a global shift in consciousness. With a global cry for change, and a desperate need to augment the world’s behavior, this type of theory could elevate our understating of ourselves, this planet, and even our existence. With the recent shift in support for science in this administration, will there be room to help expand this new science of Networking?


Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Kissinger Connection

To whom it may concern,

As a relatively young politician on the national scene, President Obama has had to reach out to all sorts of political pundits in order to legitimize his experience and record. This was illustrated by his selection of Vice President Joe Biden. It is also seen in his Cabinet selections and various appointments. But one troubling confidante is former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger. Now, I can understand how someone could not say "no" to such a political heavyweight. However, even after 30 years of direct involvement in US foreign policy, how can this administration listen to the advice of a man who escalated the Vietnam War, was involved in Operation Condor in South America, and as recently as the previous administration contributed to the buildup of the Iraq War? The policies of Kissinger are those of constant US intervention across the globe. We are spread thin as is, and the political clout of a new President ultimately fades with time. The United States must seek to solidify its independence from not increase its dependence on the rest of the world during these tumultuous economic and geo-political times. As a consultant, what type of advice does Henry Kissinger offer to this administration, and how does it influence policy?


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

To whom it may concern,

Earth Day is always a time to take a moment and think about your impact on the planet. Yet so much of this nation is cursed with an out of sight out of mind mentality. While die-hard environmentalists are stereotyped as radical, tree-hugging hippies, one's commitment to living in harmony with the earth's ecosystem seems more like a good idea than a derogatory label. On this Earth Day, everyone should take a practical step forward to reduce their ecological footprint. Instead of buying bottled water, buy a canteen and refill it. Instead of relying of plastic or even paper bags when you shop, bring your own reusable bags. If you have the space, start a bee hive, compost bin, or recycling program in your office or residential building. Or just simply start walking and biking more. While the government can do much to provide the services and facilities to promote good stewardship, it is up to the individual to participate. With these simple steps in mind, how will the federal government seek to alter this nation's individual and collective behavior in terms of the environment, natural resources, and sustainability?


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Military Secrets

To whom it may concern,

Over the past few weeks, there has been a spat of accusations against the Obama administration regarding national security. The argument is that the actions of this administration have been breaking down the good work of the Bush administration. While the focus of the Bush administration's national security objectives involved stretching out military across the world to deter terrorism, the Obama administration has taken a more traditional stance on the issue. Nuclear non-proliferation is now an essential part of the debate, and a more holistic, multi-lateral approach to combating terrorism appears to be the current policy. Yet the foundation for all of these accusations is undone by recent reports that have uncovered several breeches to the nation's military and infrastructure networks. Over the past two years, hackers have broken into the Pentagon, Department of Defense, our national electric grid, and now the blueprints of our next generation fighter planes. This is clearly a more dangerous threat to national security than pulling back on American interrogation techniques. How will this administration protect the American public from both domestic and foreign cyber crime?


Monday, April 20, 2009

New Orleans Rebirth

To whom it may concern,

It has been over three years since the federal government blundered both disaster response and recovery in the wake of hurricane Rita on the Gulf Coast. And now, with billions of dollars moving through one of this country's most graft ridden local governments, very minimal progress is being made in the City of New Orleans. While there are some high profile efforts to rebuild housing and upgrade the City's intricate levy system, many recovery efforts have unfortunately focused on the City's tourism industry. Yet the city is only at about half its former population, FEMA communities still house those effected, and no real coordinated, comprehensive recovery effort exists. What seems to be lacking now is what was lacking from the start; leadership. So much thought has gone into this issue that there are now hundreds of disparate plans all working simultaneously and in most cases against one another. New Orleans is a classical case of human encroachment on ecologically sensitive areas. The central city, built by the French atop a hill, was virtually undamaged by the Hurricane and subsequent levy breach. It is here where future development should be concentrated. Instead of rebuilding the areas that were protected only by expensive levees and outdated flood management ideas, it is in these prime development areas where the city can reconnect with its natural environs, effectively manage stormwater run-off, and reintroduce much needed natural wetlands. Instead of rebuilding these devastated neighborhoods, we should take this opportunity to develop a single masterplan for the City that focuses development away from these hazardous areas, reintroduces a natural water flow through the City and across the delta, and maximizes the natural landscape. With the assistance of the State and Federal governments, New Orleans should focus on reducing its ecological footprint as a means to revitalize the city. How will the federal government change or augment its role in disaster recovery for New Orleans?


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Keynesian Economics

To whom it may concern,

Is it me, or did everyone forget Economics 101? In order to even out the cyclical nature of the market, it is the government's responsibility to spend during a recession and save during expansion. We all learned this quite basic and logical argument from John Maynard Keynes nearly a century ago. It is the tactic that brought this country out of the depression and past recessions. It is the kind of economic planning that we demand during good times, but seemingly deride during the bad. How and why is this poignant, albeit simplified concept ruined during an economic crisis? If the government does not spend during a recession, then who will?


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Health Care Reform

To whom it may concern,

At this point we can all agree that we need health care reform, but there are a million different ways and reasons to do so. Under the guise of reform, health care can and probably will become something that nobody will be happy with. As is the case for all large policy decisions, when everyone is equally upset, you may have the right solution. It is clearly a balancing act, and the rhetoric leading up to this battle is more consistent and determined than ever before. For the first time in American history, universal health care is quickly becoming a reality. Should we augment existing programs such as lowering the age to enter Medicare? A recent study shows that this would significantly improve the disparities between ethnicities and health. Shall the government prepare a public health care system? Should we require all health insurers to incorporate the uninsured to their programs with the government's backing? There is a good chance that it will be a combination of all of these proposals. Regardless of what you want out of health care reform, we can all rely on the fact that it is as important to our economy as any other policy initiative. Whatever it may be, a universal health care program should be created so that the insurance follows the person until they so choose to change it. This would add a sense of security and stability for families, as well as create great flexibility for the employers and the economy. If someone is temporarily unemployed, the government should subsidize these payments up to a point, but the insurance must stay with the individual and their family. With Congress soon to return from recess, how will this administration approach health care reform, and how has your original plan evolved since the 2008 campaign?


Friday, April 17, 2009

The Nuance of Apathy

To whom it may concern,

The Age of Obama is upon us, and the massive grassroots movement that brought it has yet to produce a sustained growth in local activism across the country. During this long and drawn-out presidential election, this country was witness to a new energy in the political process. And the significant victory of President Obama was a mandate for change in this country. For the first few months of his Presidency, Obama has quickly set in motion a reformation of this country. Certainly no one would have thought a discussion about health care reform or praise from Venezuela would ever have come for America just six short months ago. And now, with this administration moving full steam ahead on its agenda, it feels like the grassroots initiatives that brought this community organizer to the highest office of our nation has been dormant. With all of this action, it seems that locally generated change is either still celebrating or it has been trumped by top-down change. Has this new age of change brought apathy amongst its supporters and irrelevance to its detractors? The exact kind of change this country had demanded is systematically deteriorating the support base that brought it to power. Now that Obama is the head of the government, we should not be complacent with our local governments and local issues. Sustainability is thinking globally and acting locally. While this administration's message is clear, local governments are still trying to grapple with this change, its meaning, and most importantly, its implementation. How will the federal government connect to the State and Local governments in order to implement its message of change and transformation?


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Finally, Malls are Dead

To whom it may concern,

The recent bankruptcy filing of General Growth Properties has begun to churn the rumor mill about the state of commercial real estate in America. There have been several large retail chains that have gone under during this recession. All of these casualties have been large, big-box retailers that support an old, out-dated, and over-consumptive form of retail. As the second largest property owner of malls in the US, this bankruptcy can be partially attributed to the recession, but also to the end of an era. The automobile-oriented commercial shopping centers and strip malls are and must end in this country. The convenience of driving our cars from door to door has had a detrimental effect on the environment, public health, and our energy independence. It is the market that has changed, and these large malls and huge big-box retailers are out of touch with what the consumer wants. In this instance, the government should be providing incentives for small businesses and the mom and pop stores that were previously put out of business by these now failing corporations to fill the gaps of these larger retailers. We should be promoting more organic commercial growth, and focus that growth and revitalization in existing urban areas, at in-fill sites, and designed in a manner that promotes local, neighborhood development and walkability. Will the government bailout these commercial failures, or will they let the market decide the winners and the losers?


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Water Efficiency

To whom it may concern,

Water is the most vulnerable and essential natural resource on this planet. Of all the water on earth, fresh, potable water makes up on two percent of the total. In North America, most of the fresh water is located in the Great Lakes basin. But since the governments of the Great Lakes area recently adopted a plan to keep the Great Lakes clean and its water from being exported elsewhere, water availability in America is quickly becoming a environmental constraint to our growth and prosperity. In California, drought threatens new development and agricultural production. By far one of the most extensive man-made water distribution networks in the country, California aqueducts ferry around the State's fresh water without thought or consequence of the natural balance of its ecosystems. 60 percent of the water required for the Los Angeles basin is imported from outside the region. For the billions of dollars that are spent to deliver fresh drinking water, one would think that this heavily subsidized system would be attentively cared for. Instead, fresh water is so cheap that we wash our sidewalks and cars, water our unnatural laws during the day, and use it in excess. Even this massive distribution system itself is inefficient and wastes millions of gallons each day from leaky pipes or evaporation. While the cost of desalination remains inhibitive, it is the last remaining alternative source of water left in earth's closed system. In this most recent "green" movement, efficiency has been used synonymously with energy and the recycling of raw materials. What is most deficient in this nascent environmental movement is water efficiency. The government should be eliminating the unsustainable water practices of this country from residential, commercial, agricultural, and industrial uses. We should no longer drawn down our aquifers below their natural recharge. We should be promoting drip irrigation, low flush toilets, faucet aerators, the recycling of industrial coolants, and the use of recycled water for non-potable uses like landscaping and restrooms. How will this administration maximize the country's water efficiency in order to secure and protect our most valuable resource?


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

High Speed Rail is Coming

To whom it may concern,

The President is set to release his High Speed Rail plan for the country tomorrow. The implications of this to the revitalization of our inner cities, the preservation of farmland and open space, and the promotion of alternative modes of transportation to the automobile are outstanding. Not since the Eisenhower Administration has a President been so bold as to challenge this country to change its transportation habits so drastically. I cannot think of a better idea for this country. And while the President touts the 2,000th stimulus plan project on one hand, a road widening and overpass construction in Wisconsin, on the other hand he seeks to develop a totally new transportation sector. This is one of many areas that the United States has trailed the rest of the world. Where the road project will only further increase automobile dependence, congestion, and our oil consumption, the rail plan seeks to wean this country from our addiction to cars, oil, and suburban sprawl development. The High Speed Rail system will increase the mobility of the public and serve as an economic engine for our cities. Who will be in charge of this new rail system (Amtrak?), and will these regional systems be connected to one another to create a national high speed rail network?


Monday, April 13, 2009

Cutting Cost in the Federal Budget

To whom it may concern,

One of the many campaign promises from the Obama Administration was to eliminate ineffective government programs as a means to balance the federal budget. Over the course of American history new laws, procedures, agencies, and bureaucracies have been created and reformed at what seems like an exponential rate. These laws set mandates, cancel previous mandates, and in general result in more government, more complexity, and unfortunately, more waste. This tangled web of government implementation is so intricate at this point in time that some small yet effective programs are wrapped into ineffective agencies, others are consolidated in different Departments, and more still never fulfill their original intent and purpose. A comprehensive review of the entire system is needed to finally understand and then correct these structural failures of the whole. These reorganizations have historically been conducted with a sub context of ideological shifts in politics. If this federal review recommends a reorganization of Departments, programs, and staff, confusion and further redundancies are imminent. While it may be no different this time around, how will this administration determine what government programs are effective or not? Is the focus to reduce cost, to make government more effective, or to retool a bureaucracy to implement the political and ideological goals of this administration?


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Somali Pirates

To whom it may concern,

On the very first day that Somali pirates took an American Capitan of a commercial freighter hostage, I knew that this would not end well for the Somalis. When it was reported that a Navy warship was then trailing the dinghy that the pirates had boarded after abandoning the freighter, I knew that it was only a matter of time. But when there was a three day delay for negotiations, I was wondering why the Navy seals had not already ended the standoff. And now Somali pirates know not to mess with any American vessels in the future. Hopefully, this strategy will discourage future piracy, but it might only make them more violent. This new policy will either serve as a diversion from other military objectives, or as a means to intervene in the establishment of an effective central government in Somalia. With the millions of square miles of ocean to patrol, how can the United States government ensure similar responses and a sustained security situation in the future?


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Suisse Credit

To whom it may concern,

Credit Suisse Bank recently reported that it will either disclose or close nearly three billion francs in accounts from United States citizens. While some accounts will move ahead with full disclosure and some taxes will be collected, the remaining accounts will simply cash out. Continuing with this strategy would require that the US government force every nation in the world to have its private and public banks disclose the foreign accounts of all its citizens. This strategy seems faulty in that it will not maximize the collection of delinquent taxes, nor deter real tax evasion. It may even set off a round of financial protectionism that could devastate an already battered financial sector. If we close offshore accounts in Switzerland they will simply move to the next unregulated market. How much money does the federal government really believe that it can retrieve from these offshore accounts.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Community Planning

To whom it may concern,

The federal government is currently implementing a massive restructuring plan for the United States' foreign policy, economy, financial sector, health care and education system, and infrastructure. This decisive and somewhat alarmingly bold reaction is a product of necessity and a change in leadership. To implement this shift in policy and to correct the existing system requires a comprehensive plan. And since all politics is local, this strategic initiative must include a community planning element. Sustainability is the act of thinking globally and acting locally. During a period of recovery, it is tantamount to take a step back and use this opportunity to study and reassess our strengths and weaknesses. In order to implement such sweeping changes, there must be a long-range planning process. The stimulus bill is structured to distribute funds quickly through existing government programs. Will the implementation of a new federal policy result in local planning initiatives? And will the federal government seek the input and needs of community groups and grassroots organizations?


Thursday, April 9, 2009

A New Isreal

To whom it may concern,

Most of the frustration that the Muslim world has with the West is its unyielding support of Israel. While most extremists look upon the West as vile, immoral infidels, the creation of Israel after World War II is the real flashpoint. The creation of Israel, for all intensive purposes, was a massive land grab. Both Israel and Palestine have clear historical rights to the area. While the two-state solution focuses on creating an independent Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza, this strategy has many flaws. The greatest of which is the creation of one country with two noncontiguous territories separated by Israel. What is lacking in Palestine is political clout in Israel to effect real change to make economic, political, and civil progress. Palestinians rely on the good will of Israeli politicians or pressure from other countries in order to advance its goals. It is not an official country, and it has no real autonomy. In order to both quell violence and create solidarity in the Palestinian community, a different approach should be considered. The West Bank should be annexed by Israel, and Gaza should become the new Palestinian state. By incorporating the West Bank into Israel, a huge Palestinian voting bloc would be created by making these ethnic Palestinians Israeli citizens. This new voting bloc would give the Palestinians a real voice in Israeli decision-making. This interaction on an equal setting would allow for an expansion of understanding and tolerance. It will also allow for the development of the West Bank, the preservation of antiquities, and the stabilization of the entire region. On the other hand, Gaza would become an important coastal community that would finally have the room to develop independent of Israeli interference. Palestinians would rejoice in their victory and independence, and focus on the creation of a stable, prosperous state. Is there anything like this being considered in the Middle East peace process?


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Long American Nightmare Is Over

To whom it may concern,

Since World War II, major metropolitan areas across the country have been expanding outward, destroying precious farmland, sensitive natural environments, and the American dream. Instead of stable single family neighborhoods, these suburbs are characterized by long commutes, congestion, unhealthy lifestyles, depression, and now economic ruin. It appears that the recent real estate bubble was the culmination of fifty years of single suburban sprawl development. In essence, the average American has reached a breaking point. These suburbanites are detached from each other, attached to their automobiles, and struggling to find real, meaningful community interaction. In a recent survey, twice as many people believe that money should go to building more transit instead of roadways. And more than have of those surveyed said growth should be directed into existing urban areas. Virtually every government tax incentive, policy, and funding mechanism has been built on this old, outdated, and unhealthy mode of suburban and highway development. As a nation, our priorities have shifted, and our government is now behind the curve. With the tide turning on suburban America, how will this administration structurally rework the system to benefit infill development, mass transportation expansion, transit oriented development, and open space preservation?


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Digital Television Converter Boxes

To whom it may concern,

The switch to digital television will create a dramatic improvement in the clarity and quality of service for the millions of Americans. As a means of entertainment, information, and learning, the television has proven to be the most powerful tool to unify the American psyche in the last half century. It has also consolidated a national market for popular culture and consumerism. However, this switch to digital will leave behind thousands of television watchers. While this is a small fraction of the overall viewership, these forgotten few are generally the elderly, poor and rural residents. Without access to the vouchers due to proximity, mobility, or a technicality, many of these disenfranchised people will suffer an undue economic burden. In particular, the bill that extended the deadline for the conversion neglected to include those citizens living in Single Room Occupancy (SRO) housing units. And what would have cost these people $20 will now cost them a prohibitive $60. When will the government close this loop-hole and ensure access for all after the switch to digital television?


Monday, April 6, 2009

Defense Spending

To whom it may concern,

Yes, the F-22 Raptor is the most awesome fighter jet ever. But not a single one of them has flown a mission in Iraq or Afghanistan. And the new MVRAPS are absolutely five years past due and increasingly irrelevant as the United States prepares to pull out of Iraq and leave its plethora of IEDs behind. Defense spending has certainly gone out of control since the War on Terror began. In fact, one could argue that it has been out of control since the end of World War II. On the final days of his administration, President Eisenhower infamously warned this nation about the military industrial complex. It is the influence and magnitude of this economic sector that requires a significant overhaul. And under the direction of President Obama, Secretary Robert Gates is conducting a comprehensive review of defense spending. While the cuts are minimal compared to the overall defense budget, the push back from Congress seems disproportional. If anything, the defense budget should be the place where meaningful cuts can occur in this current fiscal crisis. This review should focus on reigning in wasteful spending, eliminating unnecessary projects, and creating a military that maintains superiority across the world in terms of both conventional and unconventional warfare. So, why are these cuts not deeper and more comprehensive? And will this new defense budget represent the needs of the 21st Century American military?


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Electronic Billboards

To whom it may concern,

The Federal Highway Administration is currently conducting a study on the impacts of electronic billboards. Cities across the nation are starting to place restrictions and even moratoriums on these conversions in order to keep their regulations current with the technology. The change to electronic billboards has clear effects on the visual, aesthetic, and environmental quality of our local communities. However, this change in technology creates an opportunity to update our codes to protect and enhance civic beauty. The market has triggered public outcry, and this engagement has brought an issue up for debate. A comprehensive review of city sign ordinances can create a win-win solution cities across the nation. Advertisers will be able to collect more money from these new billboards. And for this, they can work with local jurisdictions to mitigate their impacts and produce public benefits. A review of billboards in a community is a matter of enforcement. This process could eliminate illegal signs, and bring others in compliance. Local governments could trade traditional sign space for new electronic billboards. They could then direct these new billboards in commercial and/or industrial areas, and protect residential communities. Codes should be encouraged to eliminate flashing, reduce glare, and even prohibit the change in content every 24 hours. In exchange for added revenues, sign companies could be required to comply with stricter building and efficiency standards. But the primary focus should be a community-wide process that focuses on the placement, location, and size of these structures. When the federal government' study is complete, how will it plan, regulate, and incentivize electronic billboards?


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Denmark and NATO

To whom it may concern,

Over its history, NATO has certainly outgrown its original intent and expanded its influence throughout the world. This is most apparent in Afghanistan, far from the borders of this alliance, and seemingly outside of its purview to protect member nations from more conventional warfare. In fact, while NATO is a symbol of cooperation in the Afghanistan conflict, its member nations are now potential targets for extremists. What was once a fight against the United States as the symbol of the West is now most of the western world fighting the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and other jihadists. And this tension between the West and the Islamic world can only swell with the nomination of the Danish Prime Minister as NATO's Secretary General. Unfortunately, Muslims still think about the cartoon of Mohammed when they hear Denmark. However, the NATO alliance has entered a new era with Danish Prime Minister Rasmussen at the helm. While Rasmussen is a uniquely conservative leader of an extremely liberal people, his nomination to the head of NATO will prove to be a period of extreme pragmatism. The Danes are an extremely thoughtful, prudent, and understanding people, and these sentiments will surely arise in future NATO missions. So, did the United States support this nomination because we wanted a change in overall NATO strategy or does Rasmussen reflect some alternative motive?


Friday, April 3, 2009

Subway to the Sea

To whom it may concern,

In Los Angeles County, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority is currently conducting an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on the extension of the Purple Line subway to the Pacific Ocean. This study is currently reviewing several route alternatives. What is woefully missing in this planning process is the leadership and evaluation of what should be. Wilshire Boulevard is the spine of the County, acting as a linear downtown with high density mixed-use development from downtown Los Angeles to Santa Monica. Wilshire is clearly the route where density has organically developed, where the future capacity is, and where density should occur. However, the focus remains on what exists today, and not enough emphasis on should exist in the future. How can the federal government influence a planning process that directs growth, development, and government resources in those areas that are most suitable for growth? With the recent stimulus package focusing on mass transit, how can the federal government ensure that public transportation is being sustainably implemented?


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hemp Revolution

To whom it may concern,

As the world approaches peak oil, an inevitability, and as our country begins to promote a new green, sustainable future, it is absolutely necessary that we find a substitute to all petroleum based products. Fortunately, this product already exists and has been used by humans for centuries; hemp. Hemp can be used to make clothes, paper, building materials, food, ethanol, and medicine. In terms of tons per acre, it is one of the most productive crops in existence. It is hardy, resilient to insects, and most of the nutrients are in the roots, maximizing long-term soil fertility. When burned it produces nearly zero pollution. It is an incredibly strong fiber that could replace the wood industry completely, saving all of the nation's forests. It could replace the cotton industry and remove 50% of all pesticides used in the United States. The oil from hemp seeds is rich in amino acids. And enough hemp could be produced to provide all of America's ethanol needs. This extremely versatile plant, however, is illegal because of its connection to cannabis sativa. However, industrial quality hemp has virtually no THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. Thomas Jefferson touted hemp as a means to ensure America's independence and prosperity. George Washington had a massive hemp plantation. As late as World War II, hemp production was encouraged as a war effort. Kentucky was the world's leading hemp producer for nearly a century before it was made illegal, and petroleum based materials began their rapid and infectious ascent. While it may still be taboo to talk about marijuana, hemp has the potential to replace petroleum based products, fostering energy independence and the organic and sustainable production of virtually all things. It is a localized source of food, fiber, and fuel. When will hemp be recognized for its innumerable benefits and negligible side effects, and regain its position as a cash crop in America?


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Foregoing Justice

To whom it may concern,

This administration has consistently stressed that it is more concerned with moving forward then it is with dwelling in the past. While this has translated into positive actions to undo poor policies of the previous administration, it also means that all the crimes perpetrated in this time will effectively be swept under the rug. When the Justice Department withdrew its indictment of Senator Stevens, it denied the public the ability to hold its leaders accountable. With this dangerous precedent set, those responsible for crimes and negligence in the recent past, from the infamous to the minutiae, can now breathe easier. What was the real motivation to drop all the charges for a former Senator who was found guilty for abusing his power and influence?